Thursday, May 19, 2011

A purse that doesn't break the bank...

I can't believe how much money you can spend on a purse! I would NEVER pay what some are willing to pay! First, I really don't care what is "in." I have my own style and feel no need to copy the in crowd. Also, I am afraid of commitment. I like to change purses when I see something cute. When you pay hundreds of dollars on a purse, you can't just get a new one a few months later! That being said, I bought a purse that was much more than I wanted to spend. But it is gorgeous!!! Meet Big Buddha...

It is big enough for my usual purse stuff plus my camera and kindle. And it still doesn't feel stuffed. And it is soooo soft! It is my new best friend.

So, you ask, what does this have to do with stamping? I made a cute purse from paper! And it definatly will not break the bank!

Isn't it cute?! I used this template. And it opens up too. I filled it with these notecards...

I made this special treasure for a friend. She moved to Nashville over a year ago and I am flying out there to see her tomorrow!!! I am so excited!

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